Wednesday 9 July 2014


1.Apple (grated ) -2
2.Carrot (grated) -2
3.sugar -7 tbsp
4.china grass-1 packet (10g)
5.Milk-half liter
6.condensed milk-1 tin
7.strawberry syrup- 4tsp

Step 1:
  Grate the apple and carrot and keep it aside

   Mix the china grass with 100 ml of water & wait for 10 mins

Boil milk in a saucepan with 4 tbsp of sugar

 Step 4:
Add the china grass to the boiled milk and stir it until it dissolves well

Step 5:
Now add the condensed milk to the china grass milk mixture and stir well ,Dont take the hands out while adding the condensed milk

Step 6:
 Add the grated apple to the above mixture and mix it ..wait till it boils.Remove from fire and add 3tsp of strawberry  syrup in to it.

Step 7:
Take another pan and add the grated carrot along with 4tbsp of sugar.cook it for 3mins
Remove from fire

Step 8: 
Now take a pudding tray and add carrot as base
Then add the milk -apple mix to the tray.
And then again  add carrot. For garnishing add strawberry syrup

Step 9:
Keep aside until the pudding cools
Step 10:
Keep it in the refrigerator for atleast 4 hours
Apple-carrot pudding ready!!!!

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Gobi Manchurian

Hi friends...Gobi Manchurian is a juicy dish made out of cauliflower. It is an excellent side dish for Fried rice and Noodles..Here goes my version of Gobi Manchurian gravy recipe..  


1. 1 cups of cauliflower (gobi)

For the batter:

2. 1/2 cup of maida or  cornflour 
3. 1/4 tsp of pepper powder 
4. 1 tsp of soya sauce
5. Salt

For the sauce(curry) :

6. 1/2 cup of cubed capsicum 
7. 1/2 cup of cubed onions 
8. 1 tsp of soya sauce 
9. 1/2 tsp of chilly sauce(green chilly)
10. 1 tsp of tomato sauce or ketchup 
11. chopped garlic and ginger(very finely chopped)
12. coriander leaves for garnish
13. 1/2 cup of chopped Tomato
14. Oil


  • Boil Cauliflower in water adding salt to it. Drain once it is done. 
  • Prepare the batter using ingredients from 2 to 5. it should be loose enough to coat cauliflower. Fry these gobi in hot oil till they become golden brown.
  • Keep the fried cauliflower aside. Heat the pan. Add chopped onion,capsicum,tomato,ginger,garlic,green chilly. Just roast them. 
  • Add the sauces (ingredients 8 to 10). saute them in low flame. 
  • Now add the fried gobis. You can check the salt too. 
  • Add i tsp of cornflour mixed with half cup of water to the mixture. It thickens the gravy and thus sauce becomes more tastier. 
  • Keep it in low flame till the gravy becomes thick.
  • Serve it hot with fried rice/noodles/chapati/naan. 

Sunday 6 July 2014

Paneer Mutter Masala


Paneer - 1 cup
Green peas - 1 cup
Onion - 2 
green Chilly - 2 Nos
Ginger- 1/2 inch
garlic - 3 Nos
Chilly powder - 2 tsp
Garam Masala powder - 2 tsp
Turmeric Powder - 1 tsp
Jeera ( cumin seeds) - 1/2 tsp
Tomato- 2 Nos
Coconut - 1/2 
Coriander leaves 

Method of Preparation :

Heat the pan and with oil and cinnamon, jeera, ginger, garlic, and green chillies. 

Add Onion and fry till they become golden brown. add chilly, garam masala, coriander and turmeric powder.
Let it fry and note that you don't burn it. Now add chopped tomatoes. Add little water and let them boil. 

When the gravy becomes thick, add our main ingredients paneer and green peas. Add 1/2 cup of water and close the lid. Keep it for boiling in low flame.

Now, the green peas and paneer have cooked well. add coconut paste and mix well. When the gravy becomes thick add little garam masala.

Lastly garnish with coriander leaves and add lemon juice after you put off the stove. Mix well

Serve it with Chapati or Naan. 

Chicken Lollipop with lip smacking Shezwan sauce ( Step by step)


For Lollipop

  1. Chicken wings - 8-9 nos
  2. Chilli powder - 2 tsp
  3. Pepper Powder - 1/2 tsp
  4. Corn starch - 2 tbsp
  5. Ginger-garlic paste- 1 tbsp
  6. Egg- 1
  7. Chicken Masala - 1/2 tsp
  8. Soy sauce - 1 tsp
  9. Red Colour - a pinch
  10. Salt as required
  11. Oil - 1/2 cup 
For Sauce
  1. Red chillies (whole) - 4-5 nos
  2. Ginger-garlic paste - 1 tsp
  3. Chopped garlic - 1 tsp
  4. Green chillies - 2 nos
  5. Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
  6. Sugar - 2 tsp
  7. Vinegar - 1 tbsp
  8. Tomato ketchup - 3 tbsp
  9. Red colour - a pinch
  10. Hot water - 1/2 cup
  11. Salt to taste


For Lollipops

  • Take the chicken wings

  • Cut it at the elbow

  • Pull the flesh to one end .

  • This is how it looks.

  • Make a marinade with chilli powder,pepper powder,corn starch,ginger-garlic paste,chicken masala ,soy sauce,red Colour and salt.

  • Add egg,this acts as the binding agent.Then mix well.

  • Slowly add the lollipops into the batter.Leave it for 30 mins.

  • Heat oil in a kadai.Add the chicken pieces and deep fry them.

  • Your lollipops are  now ready.

For Sauce

  • Soak red chillies in hot water for 30 mins.Then grind it.

  • Heat some oil in a pan,add  the ground red chilli paste into it.Saute well.

  • Add chopped garlic.

  • Add ginger-garlic paste.

  • Add green chillies,vinegar,colour and sugar,saute well.

  • Finally add the tomato ketchup and salt.(I add a pinch of cumin powder and fennel powder,to bring in an Indian touch ,but not necessary its your personal choice)

  • Saute well and bring to boil.Turn off the flame,garnish with spring onions,i did with  coriander leaves :)

  • Lip smacking Lollipops are now ready to be served with the Shezwan sauce.You can also toss the lollipops in shezwan sauce and serve it,but i prefer them seperately.

Marble Cake (Step by Step)


  1. All purpose flour - 1 1/2 cup
  2. Eggs - 4
  3. Baking soda - 1  1/2 tsp
  4. Baking powder - 1  1/2 tsp
  5. Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp
  6. Sugar - 1 1/4 cup
  7. White chocolate (sweetened) - 50gm
  8. Dark chocolate (sweetened) - 50gm
  9. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  10. Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  11. Oil - 3/4 cup
  12. Milk - 1/4 cup


  •  Whisk  the eggs one by one till fluffy.

  •  Add powdered sugar.

  •  Sift the all purpose flour with baking powder and soda,slowly add them into the bowl.Fold it well with the egg mix.

  •  Add oil,blend well.

  •  Add milk.

  •  Add the vanilla extract,and atlast add the lemon juice and blend well.

  • Now cake batter is ready.

  •  Transfer half of the batter into another bowl.

  •  Into one half add melted dark chocolate and cocoa powder.

  • Whisk well.

  •  Similarly  add melted white chocolate into the other half.

  •  Blend well.

  •  Now both  the batters are ready .

  •  Line the cake tin with aluminium foil,grease it as well.

  •  Pour one scoop of dark choco batter to the center  of the cake tin.

  •  Again pour the white choco cake batter over it,the base now starts to spread.

  •  Again pour dark choco cake batter.

  •  Again white

  •  Continue this until you completely transfer the batter into the cake tin.

  •  Pre-heat the oven at 180 degree celsius,then bake the cake for 35-40 min.When done,remove it from oven and slice them into small pieces.

  • Cross section of the cake.