Tuesday 8 July 2014

Gobi Manchurian

Hi friends...Gobi Manchurian is a juicy dish made out of cauliflower. It is an excellent side dish for Fried rice and Noodles..Here goes my version of Gobi Manchurian gravy recipe..  


1. 1 cups of cauliflower (gobi)

For the batter:

2. 1/2 cup of maida or  cornflour 
3. 1/4 tsp of pepper powder 
4. 1 tsp of soya sauce
5. Salt

For the sauce(curry) :

6. 1/2 cup of cubed capsicum 
7. 1/2 cup of cubed onions 
8. 1 tsp of soya sauce 
9. 1/2 tsp of chilly sauce(green chilly)
10. 1 tsp of tomato sauce or ketchup 
11. chopped garlic and ginger(very finely chopped)
12. coriander leaves for garnish
13. 1/2 cup of chopped Tomato
14. Oil


  • Boil Cauliflower in water adding salt to it. Drain once it is done. 
  • Prepare the batter using ingredients from 2 to 5. it should be loose enough to coat cauliflower. Fry these gobi in hot oil till they become golden brown.
  • Keep the fried cauliflower aside. Heat the pan. Add chopped onion,capsicum,tomato,ginger,garlic,green chilly. Just roast them. 
  • Add the sauces (ingredients 8 to 10). saute them in low flame. 
  • Now add the fried gobis. You can check the salt too. 
  • Add i tsp of cornflour mixed with half cup of water to the mixture. It thickens the gravy and thus sauce becomes more tastier. 
  • Keep it in low flame till the gravy becomes thick.
  • Serve it hot with fried rice/noodles/chapati/naan. 

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