Tuesday 1 July 2014

Mutton curry kerala style


  1. Mutton- 2 kg
  2. Onion-half kg
  3. Garlic -2 cloves
  4. Ginger-3 piece
  5. Turmeric powder-1tsp 
  6. Chilly powder4tbsp
  7. Garam masala-1tsp 
  8. Potato-2 nos 
  9. Oil 
  10. Curry leaves
  11. Salt to  taste


  • Heat oil in a pressure cooker.Add ginger garlic paste,onion ,curry leaves and sauté it  until it turns golden brown

  • Add chilly powder,turmeric powder,garam masala and salt ,mix it we'll Turn off the gas while adding the masalas.Don't allow it to burn.Add the mutton pieces to the above masala.Close the lid and cook the mutton pieces for 20minutes(4 or 5 whistles)

  • Mutton curry is ready.Garnish  it with coriander leaves/curry leaves

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